Client Wins & Testimony

Real Client Results


Our clients have used our unique methodology to achieve a range of outcomes and to move the needle on the things that mattered most in their careers.


For example:

  • Landing leadership positions at a range of top companies, including Lyft, Nike, Apple, Google & PayPal

  • Negotiating higher salaries and earning what they are worth

  • Arguing successfully for $8 million in project allocation

  • Winning a contract for 12 buildings instead of just one

  • Escaping the 9-5 by launching successful online businesses

  • Getting from no to yes with potential investors

  • Getting a standing ovation for their presentations and TEDx talks

  • Becoming thought leaders and accepted authority in their fields

Now it’s your turn to put the power of your story to work for you, and begin making your career dreams reality. With our tested systems and trusted guidance, you can create magical results in your career by leveraging the value and uniqueness of your personal story.